Когда день рождения у ацуши из бродячих псов


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Не жалей себя. Если начнёшь барахтаться в жалости к самому себе, жизнь станет бесконечным кошмаром.

— Осаму Дазай говорит Ацуши Накаджиме.[1]

Статья • История • Галерея

Ацуши Накаджима (中島 敦 Nakajima Atsushi?) — главный персонаж манги и аниме-адаптации. Прежде, чем стать одним из детективов Вооружённого Детективного Агентства и учеником Осаму Дазая, жил в приюте, откуда его прогнали. Какое-то время находился в розыске. За его голову была назначена цена в семь миллиардов йен. Обладает способностью «Зверь Лунного Света».


У Ацуши серебристые волосы, бледная кожа и жёлтые с фиолетовым оттенком глаза. У него короткие волосы на правой стороне лица и длинные с левой стороны с заметной чёрной полосой. Он среднего роста и худощавого телосложения. В начале он носил одежду из приюта: серые кофту и штаны, чёрные туфли-лодочки. После вступления в Вооружённое детективное агентство он стал носить белую рубашку с рукавами по локоть, чёрный галстук, чёрные штаны, ботинки, перчатки без пальцев, подтяжки и ремень, комбинированный с длинным поясом, болтающимся свободно от пряжки. Когда он частично превращается в тигра, его глаза становятся похожими на тигровый глаз, и у него появляются полоски тигра.. Если полностью, то его конечности превращаются в конечности тигра, и появляется хвост.

Ацуши Накаджима. Приют

Ацуши Накаджима. Детективное Агенство

Ацуши Накаджима. Тигр

Ацуши Накаджима. Антропоморфный Тигр

Ацуши Накаджима. Расёмон. Высший коготь Черного Тигра

Ацуши Накаджима. Костюм

Ацуши Накаджима. Работник корабля

Ацуши Накаджима. Пёс. Wan!

Ацуши Накаджима. Детективное Агенство. Wan!

Ацуши Накаджима. Дошкольник. Wan!

Ацуши Накаджима. BEAST

Ацуши Накаджима. BEAST. Вне Мафии


Из-за жестокого обращения в приюте, Ацуши совсем не уверен в себе, и даже ненавидит себя. Он зациклен на прошлом, и на протяжении истории принимал множество неправильных решений из-за своей низкой самооценки. Агентство сильно повлияло на Ацуши, разбив его прошлые жизненные устои. Он был шокирован тем, что на свете есть люди, которым он нужен. Поэтому в моменты опасности Ацуши готов идти на риск ради других. Из-за того, что юноша вырос в среде унижений и наказаний, он всегда настроен на неудачи. Так как Ацуши сам являлся изгоем, он не любит, когда над другими издеваются.

Тем не менее, Накаджима старается преодолеть свои страхи и изменить свою жизнь. Благодаря работе в агентстве и постоянным стычкам с Акутагавой, он понял, что своё прошлое он должен оставить позади, так как оно совершенно не имеет значения в его нынешней жизни. Весьма примечательно то, что, несмотря на ужасное детство и постоянные издевательства, Ацуши смог вырасти добрым и отзывчивым человеком, для которого жизнь и благополучие других людей превыше всего.


Зверь Лунного Света (月下獣 Gekka-jū?) — даёт Ацуши возможность превращаться в белого тигра. Поначалу у него не было особого контроля над трансформацией. Причиной тому, вероятней всего, служил тот факт, что юноша не воспринимал себя как эспера.[10] Но став официальным членом Вооружённого Детективного Агентства, Накаджима попал под влияние способности директора Фукудзавы «Все Люди Равны». Таким образом он получает полный контроль над своими трансформациями в тигра.

Зверь Лунного Света (月下獣 Gekka-jū?)
Beast Beneath the Moonlight Transformation Дебют в манге: Глава 1
Дебют в аниме: Эпизод 1
Способность: Превращение в Зверя

Из прошлого






Ацуси Накадзима (中島敦, Накаджима Ацуши, 5 мая 1909 — 4 декабря 1942) –
японский писатель, получивший славу благодаря своим коротким рассказам. «Луна над горой» — это сборник его рассказов, переведенных Полом Маккарти и Нобуко Очнером. Этот сборник был основан на китайских легендах, и один из рассказов назывался «Тигр-поэт», где главный герой сошёл с ума в своём стремлении стать поэтом, а затем буквально начал трансформироваться в тигра. В книге большое внимание уделяется его самоанализу, сожалению о боли, которую он причинил своей семье. Рассказ заканчивается тем, что белый тигр выходит на освещённую лунным светом дорогу, бежит в лес и больше никогда не появляется в этих краях. Ацуши Накаджима был рождён в семье учёных-китаистов, поэтому прекрасно знал историю Китая и древнекитайский, неудивительно, что в большинстве его произведений действие происходит именно в поднебесной империи. Известность писатель приобрёл как автор коротких рассказов, но из-за пневмонии умер очень рано, в возрасте 33-х лет, оставив довольно маленькое число работ. За свою жизнь написал лишь один полноценный роман, «Свет, ветер и мечты», и он был основан на последних годах жизни Роберта Льюис Стивенстона на острове. Последние наиболее известные работы Накаджимы получили премию имени Рюноске Акутагавы.

Интересные факты

  • Он, наряду с несколькими другими персонажами, появлялся в мобильных играх «Небесная Любовь», «Kimito Lead Puzzle 18» и «Yumeiro Cast», правда на ограниченное время.
  • Его любимая еда — рис, залитый зелёным чаем, что показано в 1 эпизоде аниме, где он сначала мечтает о нём, а потом в огромных количествах ест в кафе.
  • Он — человек, который очень быстро начинает паниковать, но при этом ставит безопасность других людей превыше себя. Это прослеживается во 2 эпизоде аниме, когда он накрывает бомбу своим телом, в попытке спасти жизни людей.
  • Когда Ацуши носит свой ремень, это выглядит так, словно бы его ремень ведёт себя как его хвост в тигриной форме. Когда Ацуши расслаблен, ремень свисает вниз. Когда Ацуши удивлён или напуган, то ремень ведёт себя намного активнее.
  • В аниме адаптации BONES его чёрная прядь волос отсутствует, но её можно заметить в рекламных иллюстрациях и в мобильных играх.
  • Согласно официальном руководству по аниме:
    • Он считает своей слабостью то, что не может найти у себя сильных сторон.
    • Его девиз: «Всё хорошо, пока я ещё жив.»
    • Его идеальный тип — добрый человек.
    • Его любимое место в Йокогаме — торговый район.
    • В свободное время он читает книги и учится.
    • С приюта у него осталась привычка ложиться в 9 часов вечера и вставать в 5 утра.


  1. Великий из Бродячих Псов: Глава 25
  2. Великий из Бродячих Псов: Глава 3
  3. Великий из Бродячих Псов: Глава 11
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,7 Великий из Бродячих Псов: Глава 5
  5. Великий из Бродячих Псов: Глава 34
  6. Великий из Бродячих Псов: Глава 43
  7. Великий из Бродячих Псов: Глава 29
  8. 55 Минут
  9. Великий из Бродячих Псов: ЗВЕРЬ. Глава 2
  10. Великий из Бродячих Псов: Глава 1


СОСТАВ Акико Йосано • Ацуши Накаджима • Джуничиро Танизаки • Доппо Куникида • Кенджи Миядзава • Кёка Изуми • Осаму Дазай • Юкичи Фукудзава
БЫВШИЕ Катай Таяма
ПОРТОВАЯ МАФИЯ СОСТАВ Коё Озаки • Кюсаку Юмено • Мичизу Тачихара • Мотоджиро Каджи • Огай Мори • Рьюро Хироцу • Рюноске Акутагава • Чуя Накахара • Эйс †
БЫВШИЕ Сакуноске Ода †
ЗНАМЯ Альбатросс † • Пиано Мэн †
ГИЛЬДИЯ НОВАЯ ГИЛЬДИЯ Фрэнсис Фицджеральд • Луиза Олкотт
БЫВШИЕ Герман Мелвилл • Говард Лавкрафт • Люси Монтгомери • Маргарет Митчелл • Марк Твен • Натаниэль Готорн • Эдгар По

КРЫСЫ МЁРТВОГО ДОМА Александр Пушкин • Иван Гончаров • Муситаро Огури • Натаниэль Готорн • Фёдор Достоевский
СМЕРТЬ НЕБОЖИТЕЛЕЙ Брэм Стокер • Николай Гоголь • Камуи • Сигма • Фёдор Достоевский
ИЩЕЙКИ СОСТАВ Очи Фукучи • Сайгику Дзёно • Теруко Оокура • Тэтте Суэхиро
БЫВШИЕ Мичизу Тачихара
ОВЦЫ Чуя Накахара
ТРАНСЦЕНДЕНТЫ Артур Рембо † • Виктор Гюго • Иоганн Вольфганг Гёте • Поль Верлен • Уильям Шекспир
МИМИК Андре Жид †
СЕМЬ ПРЕДАТЕЛЕЙ Жюль Габриэль Верн †
СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫЙ ОТДЕЛ Анго Сакагучи • Мизуки Цудзимура • Сантока Танеда

ОСТАЛЬНЫЕ Герберт Джордж Уэллс • Мать Кёки † • Нацухико Кёгоку • Неизвестный † • Немо • Солдат † • Сосэки Нацумэ • Тацухико Шибусава † • Юкито Аяцудзи
ЛИДЕР Юкичи Фукудзава
ДЕТЕКТИВЫ Доппо Куникида • Осаму Дазай • Кенджи Миядзава
НОВИЧКИ Ацуши Накаджима • Кёка Изуми
ВРАЧ Акико Йосано
ТЕХНИК Джуничиро Танизаки
СОТРУДНИК Наоми Танизаки

«You’ve got the wrong idea. I’m not strong, and I’m not popular. In fact, my entire life has been cursed. I know full well how you feel, envying and hating everyone around you.«

— Atsushi to Lucy Maud Montgomery[1]

Atsushi Nakajima ( (なか) (じま) (あつし), Nakajima Atsushi?) is a member of the Armed Detective Agency who possesses the ability Beast Beneath the Moonlight.


Atsushi has light gray hair, pale skin, and is of average height with a slim build. He has segmental heterochromia, consisting of purple on the top half of his iris and yellow along the bottom curve of his pupil. His hair is short and swept forward in loose spikes with a lock left long on the right side of his face. This uneven style is the result of bullying he suffered at the hands of other orphans in the orphanage, and he never fixed it.[4] Additionally, he has a prominent black streak in his hair.

Before joining the Agency, he wears rags issued by the orphanage,[5] and after he joins the Armed Detective Agency, they issue him a white button-up with the sleeves pushed to his elbows from Doppo Kunikida,[6] a loose black tie from Akiko Yosano, black pants from Yukichi Fukuzawa,[7] black fingerless gloves from Ranpo Edogawa,[6] suspenders from Kenji Miyazawa,[7] and a long black belt from Osamu Dazai.[6]

When he transforms into a partial tiger, his eyes become tiger-eye-like, and he develops fangs. If more drastic, his limbs turn into into a tiger’s, and his tail emerges.[8] When he finally develops considerable control over his ability, he can transform fully into a white tiger with black stripes and retains the tiger’s gold eyes.[9]

When he morphs with Rashōmon, together with his ability Beast Beneath the Moonlight, he wears the black coat of Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, and his tiger claws become longer.[10]

Atsushi is disguised as a ship worker at the Boswellian during Ranpo’s negotiation with Ōchi Fukuchi.[11]

Atsushi as a child

Atsushi as a child

Atsushi in ragged clothes

Atsushi in ragged clothes

Atsushi's tiger form

Atsushi’s tiger form

Atsushi's partial tiger formation

Atsushi’s partial tiger formation

Atsushi's appearance when covered in Rashomon

Atsushi’s appearance when covered in Rashomon

Atsushi during the agency's cannibalism aftermath celebration

Atsushi during the agency’s cannibalism aftermath celebration

Atsushi wearing a cap

Atsushi wearing a cap

Atsushi disguised as a ship worker

Atsushi disguised as a ship worker


Wan! appearance

Wan! appearance

Wan! appearance - preschool Atsushi

Wan! appearance — preschool Atsushi


Atsushi hating on himself

Atsushi telling Dazai that it may be better if he was eaten by the tiger.

Atsushi’s traumatic past affects much of his daily life, and he is tormented with nightmares, flashbacks, and the internal monologue of the orphanage director who abused him.[5][12][13][14][15][16] He has a severely low sense of self-worth and is somewhat naïve, which causes him to initially feel helpless when confronted with dangerous situations. When paralyzed in guilt and/or fear, he has difficulty reacting or understanding what to do.

He also tends to react strongly and believe things at face value, trusting others’ judgment above his own and even abandoning his own instincts.[17] For example, when learning of the ¥7 billion bounty on his head, he became convinced that he was putting the Agency at risk. He felt intense guilt and decided to leave, believing it will keep the Agency from being targeted.[12]

Atsushi jumps off to save a drowning man

Atsushi jumps into the river to save the drowning Dazai.

All things considered, Atsushi cares deeply for his fellow Agency members and for the well-being of civilians, especially during dire situations.[18] On various instances, Atsushi would not hesitate to help and save others, even those he has never met before. One notable example is Dazai, whom he saves from «drowning» during their first encounter, albeit with some inhibition initially.[5] During his secret entrance exam where he was faced with a simulated bomb threat, he used his own body to cover the bomb and shield the other members, also people he had never met.[19]

Atsushi saving Kyōka

Atsushi saving Kyōka from the bomb explosion.

He has a strong sense of morality, which also directly stems from his upbringing. He believes his worth in life depends on his ability to protect others and has an aversion to the abuse of one’s power and to preventable deaths.[13][15][20] He even tries to help even his enemies at times and would often feel sympathy for most of them, as seen through his interactions with Kyōka,[13][21] Lucy Maud Montgomery,[1] Sigma,[22] and even Fukuchi during his supposed death.[23]

Atsushi frightened at Fukuchi (manga)

Atsushi’s initial fright in facing Kamui by himself.

However, Atsushi still experiences paralyzing fear of fighting alone and often needs a companion to aid him in battle or at times save him in order to feel confidence.[24][25] When faced with the possibility that he alone was to fight Kamui, the primary mastermind behind the global terrorism plot, Atsushi initially felt frightened after being threatened by Kamui to cut off his head. The weight of his actions deciding the world’s safety and the Agency’s revival further fueled the pressure Atsushi carried, even admitting that his solitude at that time surpassed that of when he was in the orphanage.[24] Hence, after Akutagawa arrived to aid him, Atsushi felt a sense of assurance, knowing that he is not alone anymore.[25]

Atsushi grabs Akutagawa using the tiger's tail

Atsushi holds his own against Akutagawa, whom he was initially told to flee from by the Agency members.

Although still struggling with his self-esteem mostly due to the words of the late orphanage director, Atsushi gradually improves his confidence and sense of self. He continues to be strengthened by several missions and the clashes against the Port Mafia,[17][13][14][26][20] the Guild,[1][20][27][8] and the Rats in the House of the Dead,[10] among others. His will hardens in these tough situations, and he becomes steadfast, reliable, and intensely caring. As Akutagawa mentioned based from their various clashes, when pushed to adverse situations, Atsushi comes back as a «more bothersome enemy».[25]


Atsushi crying as a child

Atsushi as a child in the orphanage.

Atsushi grew up in an orphanage, where he suffered from severe abuse – both verbal and physical – from his caretakers,[5][12][13] as well as social isolation from the other children.[28] This history of mistreatment has evidently taken a huge toll on Atsushi’s self-worth as an adult and has caused him to constantly question the value and usefulness of his life.[5]

Atsushi's foot being hammered

Atsushi’s foot being hammered.

According to the orphanage director, Atsushi’s parents dumped him. The director becomes the foundation of Atsushi’s warped self-worth. The abuse, presumably severe especially because of the tiger rampaging at night, led the director to occasionally chain Atsushi in a cell with little to no food for at least three days. Atsushi was also forcibly injected with what he thought might be poison (which Atsushi later thought in his adulthood might be nutrients). Moreover, at one point, the director forced Atsushi to hammer a nail into his own foot as a way of teaching him how to «endure pain». When he was unable to, the director himself hammered Atsushi’s foot, afterwards instructing him to reflect on his own.

Atsushi accused by a fellow orphan (manga)

Atsushi accused by a fellow orphan of stealing.

The director emphasized Atsushi’s hatred towards him, seemingly even encouraging it. Alongside the director and other caretakers’ abuse, Atsushi suffered at the hands of the other orphans. Oftentimes, the other orphans threw Atsushi under the bus when they got in trouble, as the orphanage ran on some sort of point system that affected if and when they were fed.[28]

Once he hits 18 years old, Atsushi was kicked out of the orphanage under the pretense that they had a lack of funding and had to downsize.[5] Though he was unaware of it at the time, he was actually transforming into a white tiger under the moonlight due to his ability and causing chaos,[29] including destroying crop fields and storehouses.[5][30]


Main article: Beast Beneath the Moonlight

Beast Beneath the Moonlight ( () (っか) (じゅう), Gekka-jū?) gives Atsushi has the ability to transform into a white tiger.[3] At first, he doesn’t seem to have much control over the transformation, likely due to the fact, or caused by, his unawareness of his state as an Ability user.[5]

After becoming an official member of the Agency and under the influence of All Men Are Equal, he gains more control over his transformations — as shown during his second fight with Akutagawa, when he breaks the transformation on his arms to escape.[31]

Beast Beneath the Moonlight ( () (っか) (じゅう), Gekka-jū?)
Beast Beneath the Moonlight Transformation Manga Debut: Chapter 1
Anime Debut: Episode 1
Ability: Weretiger Transformation


Main article: List of Battles

Port Mafia Arc

The Guild Arc

The Guild Aftermath Arc

Cannibalism Arc

Hunting Dogs Arc

Sky Casino Arc

Kamui Revelation Arc



Manga Appearances

Chapters in order of appearance

Port Mafia Arc

  • Chapter 1 — Looking the Gift Tiger in the Mouth
  • Chapter 2 — A Certain Explosive
  • Chapter 3 — Yokohama Gangster Paradise, Part 1
  • Chapter 4 — Yokohama Gangster Paradise, Part 2
  • Chapter 5 — The Fatalist’s Sorrow
  • Chapter 6 — Murder on D Street
  • Chapter 7 — Kill A Man and Die Thee Too, Part 1
  • Chapter 8 — Kill A Man and Die Thee Too, Part 2
  • Chapter 9 — Beauty, Hushed Like a Statue
  • Chapter 10 — Detective Boys
  • Chapter 11 — Back in the Day…
  • Chapter 12 — Rashomon and the Tiger
  • Chapter 13 — The Rupturous Detective Agency

The Guild Arc

  • Chapter 15 — Constantly Pushed to the Past, Part 1
  • Chapter 16 — Constantly Pushed to the Past, Part 2
  • Chapter 17 — The First Job
  • Chapter 18 — Flowers and Autumn Leaves, Snow and Gold
  • Chapter 19 — The Three-Way Battle
  • Chapter 21 — The Brother and the Devil (flashback)
  • Chapter 24 — The Grapes of Wrath Ripen in His Eyes, Part 2
  • Chapter 25 — Q
  • Chapter 26 — Will of Tycoon
  • Chapter 27 — Upon the Shattering Shores
  • Chapter 28 — The Emergency Plan
  • Chapter 29 — Even If My Head Be Mistaken
  • Chapter 30 — The Silent Tower and the Raven’s Feast
  • Chapter 33 — A White Whale, into the Oceans of Heaven
  • Chapter 34 — The Last Tycoon
  • Chapter 35 — Rashomon, the Tiger and the Last Tycoon
  • Chapter 36 — If I May Lay Down This Burden Today
  • Chapter 37 — Closing the Party

The Guild Aftermath Arc

  • Chapter 38 — Slap the Stick
  • Chapter 39 — Portrait of a Father
  • Chapter 41 — Addict
  • Chapter 43 — Cherrirs!
  • Chapter 44 — Fitzgerald Rising
  • Chapter 45 — Fix it, Master Craft

Cannibalism Arc

  • Chapter 46 — The Masked Assassin
  • Chapter 47 — Mutual Destruction, Part 1
  • Chapter 48 — Mutual Destruction, Part 2
  • Chapter 49 — Mutual Destruction, Part 3
  • Chapter 50 — Mutual Destruction, Part 4
  • Chapter 51 — Echo, Part 1
  • Chapter 52 — Echo, Part 2
  • Chapter 53 — Echo, Part 3

Perfect Crime Arc

  • Chapter 56 — The Perfect Murder, The Perfect Killer, Part 3 (cameo)

Hunting Dogs Arc

  • Chapter 57 — Sunday Tragedy, Part 1
  • Chapter 58 — Sunday Tragedy, Part 2
  • Chapter 61 — Dogs Hunt Dogs, Part 3
  • Chapter 63 — Enemies of Society
  • Chapter 64 — You and I, Children of Sin
  • Chapter 67 — The Sadness of Those Without Wings, Part 1

Sky Casino Arc

  • Chapter 69 — The Escape
  • Chapter 70 — The Escape, Part 2
  • Chapter 71 — Bungo Hound Dogs, Part 1
  • Chapter 72 — Bungo Hound Dogs, Part 2
  • Chapter 73 — Bungo Hound Dogs, Part 3
  • Chapter 74 — Skyfall, Part 1
  • Chapter 76 — Skyfall, Part 3
  • Chapter 77 — Skyfall, Part 4

Kamui Revelation Arc

  • Chapter 78 — To Threaten God, Part 1
  • Chapter 79 — To Threaten God, Part 2
  • Chapter 81 — The Strongest Man, Part 2
  • Chapter 82 — The Greatest Conspirator
  • Chapter 83 — Toward the Complete Answer, Part 1
  • Chapter 83.5 — Toward the Complete Answer, Part 2
  • Chapter 84 — Hero vs. Criminal, Part 1
  • Chapter 85 — Hero vs. Criminal, Part 2
  • Chapter 86 — Hero vs. Criminal Part 3
  • Chapter 87 — Hero vs. Criminal Part 4

Vampire Infection Outbreak Arc

  • Chapter 88 — As If Hurtling Downward
  • Chapter 89 — Hero War, Gang War (image)
  • Chapter 91 — At the Detective Agency Anew
  • Chapter 92 — At the Portway to the Sky, Part 1
  • Chapter 92.5 — At the Portway to the Sky, Part 2
  • Chapter 94 — At the Portway to the Sky, Part 4
  • Chapter 94.5 — At the Portway to the Sky, Part 4.5
  • Chapter 97 — At the Portway to the Sky, Part 6 (flashback)
  • Chapter 99 — At the Portway to the Sky, Part 8
  • Chapter 100 — At the Portway to the Sky, Part 9
  • Chapter 100.5 — At the Portway to the Sky, Part 9.5
  • Chapter 102 — Wicked Realms Beyond Mankind, Part 1, Section 1
  • Chapter 102.5 — Wicked Realms Beyond Mankind, Part 1, Section 2
  • Chapter 103.5 — Wicked Realms Beyond Mankind, Part 2 Section 2
  • Chapter 104.5 — The Two «Fuku»s, Part 2
  • Chapter 105 — In The Small Room, Part 1


  • (To Osamu Dazai) «At the orphanage, people always told me I’m worthless. I have no idea where my next meal will come from or my next bed. No one would care if I died on the street. I might as well just let that beast eat me and be done with it.»[5]
  • «Suddenly, an idea came to me. A foolish idea that I can’t get out of my mind. If I have any chance of saving them all, of returning them home safely, would that mean it’s okay for me to keep on living?«[32]
  • (To Doppo Kunikida about Kyōka Izumi) «She said the crêpe she ate with me was ‘delicious’. She was told that the weak didn’t even have the right to breathe. And she replied, ‘Maybe that’s true’! I…… think otherwise! I mean, Dazai-san didn’t— In fact, no one at the Agency abandoned me!«[14]
  • (To Ryūnosuke Akutagawa about Kyōka Izumi) «It’s not up to you to decide who’s worth living. Why couldn’t you have spoken to her some other way? People can’t live unless someone tells them ‘it’s okay to go on!’ Why can’t you even understand something that simple!?«[26]
  • (To Lucy Maud Montgomery) «You’ve got the wrong idea. I’m not strong, and I’m not popular. In fact, my entire life has been cursed. I know full well how you feel, envying and hating everyone around you[1]
  • «Compared to the enemy, our Agency has fewer ability users who are geared for battle. I’ll need to put in every effort I can. And with my power, I can do it. This time…… It’s my turn to keep the Agency safe!«[15]
  • (To Ryūnosuke Akutagawa) «It’s true that I’m foolish and worthless. But it sure beats being you — a murderer who just wants to bandy his power around! Am I wrong? You’ve got the power and status but you still fight ‘cos you want to be feared! That’s far more worthless in my book.«[27]
  • (Referring to the tiger) «No matter where I run, the tiger follows. It’s the same as the way I can’t escape the beating of my own heart… for you’re my strength to keep living. I hear you well, now. I understand your words well. I know. I know everyone’s souls are on fire. I’ll say the same to you. Hurry up, or I’m leaving you behind. Come, tiger!«[33]
  • (While facing Kamui) «I don’t fear the enemy. I don’t fear the pain. What is fear is that I’m alone. […] Solitude scares me. At the orphanage, solitude was the norm for me. But now, this same solitude scares me. I wish there was someone fighting at my side. Anyone would do. Somebody…«[34]
  • (After escaping from Ōchi Fukuchi) «Why did Akutagawa let me go? I don’t know… […] Moreover, was there some sort of important meaning in that? Or did it end that way by sheer coincidence? I didn’t understand.«[35]


  • The name Atsushi (敦) is a Jinmeiyō kanji which are kanji that can be used as personal names.[36][37]
  • The surname Nakajima means «inside» (中) (naka) and «island» (島) (shima/jima).


Main article: Real-life References#Atsushi Nakajima
Atsushi Nakajima (May 5, 1909 — December 4, 1942)

NakajimaRL Thumbnail

Although not politically active, Nakajima is known for his refusal to write propaganda stories for the Japanese government as so many of his peers did. The ability «Beast Beneath the Moonlight» references the short story «Tiger-Poet», about a man who transforms into a tiger because of his internal conflict between written and oral communication.[2]


  • According to 1st official guidebook:[38]
    • What are you strengths and weaknesses? «My weakness is how weak-willed I am, I don’t know my strengths.»
    • Who is your ideal partner? «A kind person.»
    • What do you want now? «Ochazuke.»
    • What is your motto? «Everything will be fine as long as you’re alive.»
    • What’s your favorite spot in Yokohama? «The shopping streets.»
  • According to 2nd official guidebook:[39]
    • How do you spend your free time? «Borrowing books from the library and studying.»
    • What time do you sleep and wake up?: «Due to habit from my time at the orphanage, I always sleep at 9PM and wake up at 5AM»
    • How do you feel about teaming up with Akutagawa? «I don’t think I’m teamed up with him mentally.»
  • According to 3rd official guidebook:[40]
    • What have you been doing recently? «Examining my bank books to check my salary.»
    • Something that you won’t lose to anyone? «I don’t have any self-confidence, so I don’t have that.»
    • Something you want to overcome? «I want to become a normal member of society»
  • According to the 5th official guidebook:
    • What color would you compare yourself to? «White. Because my hair is white and it’s also the furthest color from Akutagawa.»
    • What will you be doing in 10 years? «Wondering if I can survive in this city in such a mess . . .»
  • His initial character setting given to Sango Harukawa by Kafka Asagiri is as follows: «Atsushi Nakajima. Age 24. Simple and witty. Ability: Beast Beneath the Moonlight. Can transform into a tiger».[41]
  • When Atsushi is wearing his belt, it seems to act like his tail as if he were in tiger form. When he is relaxed, the belt hangs down. If Atsushi is surprised or scared, the belt acts much more lively.
  • In BONES’ anime adaptation, the black streak in his hair is omitted, yet it still appears in promotional art and in the mobile game.

In Other Languages

Language Name
Flag of China Chinese 中島敦 (Nakajima Atsushi)
Flag of Hong Kong Chinese 中島敦 (Nakajima Atsushi)
Flag of Taiwan Chinese 中島敦 (Nakajima Atsushi)
Flag of France French Atsushi Nakajima
Flag of Germany German Atsushi Nakajima
Flag of Italy Italian Atsushi Nakajima
Flag of South Korea Korean 나카지마 아츠시 (Nakajima Atsushi)
Flag of Malaysia Malay Nakajima Atsushi
Flag of Poland Polish Nakajima Atsushi
Flag of Brazil Portuguese Atsushi Nakajima
Flag of Spain Spanish Atsushi Nakajima
Flag of Mexico Spanish Atsushi Nakajima
Flag of Thailand Thai นาคาจิมะ อัตสึชิ (Nakajima Atsushi)
Flag of Ukraine Ukranian Ацуши Накадзима (Atsushi Nakajima)
Flag of Vietnam Vietnamese Nakajima Atsushi


  1. Alternatively entitled Tiger Poet (人虎伝 (じんこでん), Jinko-den?).


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 16.

  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Volume 3,
    Author Guide.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Volume 2.

  4. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Volume 6,
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 1.

  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Volume 3,
  7. 7.0 7.1
    Blu-ray & DVD: Volume 3,
  8. 8.0 8.1
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 36.

  9. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 29.

  10. 10.0 10.1
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 53.

  11. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 82.

  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 5.

  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 8.

  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 11.

  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 25.

  16. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 28.

  17. 17.0 17.1
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 4.

  18. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 8.

  19. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 2.

  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 34.

  21. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 9.

  22. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 76.

  23. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 87.

  24. 24.0 24.1
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 83.5.

  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 84.

  26. 26.0 26.1
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 12.

  27. 27.0 27.1
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 35.

  28. 28.0 28.1
    Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 39.

  29. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 39.

  30. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Volume 9,

  31. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 36.

  32. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 8.

  33. Bungo Stray Dogs: DEAD APPLE (Film).

  34. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 83.5.

  35. Bungo Stray Dogs Manga: Chapter 88.

  36. Jinmeiyō kanji. Wikipedia
  37. 敦. Wikitionary

  38. Bungo Stray Dogs Official Guidebook Kaikaroku.

  39. Bungo Stray Dogs Official Guidebook Shinkaroku.

  40. Bungo Stray Dogs Official Guidebook Tenkaroku.

  41. Bungou Stray Dogs — Behind the scenes of the character designs! Kafka Asagiri and Harukawa 35 tell us more. Pixivision Interview

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Former Katai Tayama

Ацуши Накаджима, цвет волос — серые, образ — сверх человек, аниме — Великий из бродячих псов.

Ацуши Накаджима - Великий из бродячих псов

  1. Описание персонажа
  2. Характер
  3. Великий из бродячих псов смотреть
  4. Арты, картинки и обои на аву
  5. Косплей
  6. Способности
  7. Отношения с другими
  8. почему Ацуши называют Джинко?

Ацуши Накаджима рост возраст и цитаты персонажа

Персонаж: Ацуши Накаджима

День рождения: 5 мая

Возраст: 18

Рост: 170 см

Пол: мужской

Ацуши Накаджима — центральный герой манги и аниме. До того как стать учеником Дазая и детективом вооруженного детективного агентства Ацуши жил в детском доме, откуда его прогнали. Некоторое время был беглецом и находился в розыске. За его голову была назначена награда в семь миллиардов йен. К тому же, наш персонаж обладает способностью «Зверь Лунного Света».

Цитаты персонажа:

Никогда не жалел о том, что сделал. Я лишь жалею о том, чего я не сделал.

Голова может ошибаться, но кровь — никогда.

Одиночество — это всего лишь кусочек облака, который периодически мелькает у тебя перед глазами.

Ацуши Накаджима фанфики и БСД

Из-за жестокого обращения в приюте, Ацуши совсем не уверен в себе, и даже ненавидит себя. Он зациклен на прошлом, и на протяжении истории принимал множество неправильных решений из-за своей низкой самооценки. 

Из-за жестокого обращения, которому он подвергся в детском доме, Ацуси не уверен в себе и даже ненавидит себя. Он одержим прошлым и из-за низкой самооценки принимал множество неверных решений на протяжении всей истории.

Из-за того, что юноша вырос в среде унижений и наказаний, он всегда настроен на неудачи. Так как Ацуши сам являлся изгоем, он не любит, когда над другими издеваются. Тем не менее, Накаджима старается преодолеть свои страхи и изменить свою жизнь. Благодаря работе в агентстве и постоянным стычкам с Акутагавой, он понял, что своё прошлое он должен оставить позади, так как оно совершенно не имеет значения в его нынешней жизни. Весьма примечательно то, что, несмотря на ужасное детство и постоянные издевательства, Ацуши смог вырасти добрым и отзывчивым человеком, для которого жизнь и благополучие других людей превыше всего.

Он вырос в обстановке, полной унижений и наказаний, и всегда боялся неудач. Ацуси сам является неудачником и не любит, когда его беспокоят другие. Тем не менее, Накадзима пытается преодолеть свои страхи и изменить свою жизнь. Однако Нацусима пытается преодолеть свои страхи и противостоять Акутагаве, который пытается сопротивляться, позволяя своему прошлому выйти наружу и делая его неважным для своей нынешней жизни. Примечательно, что, несмотря на ужасное детство и постоянные издевательства, Ацуси удается вырасти в доброго и сострадательного человека, который ставит жизнь и благополучие других людей превыше всего.

Ацуши Накаджима фанфики «БСД» аниме и манга

  • Аниме: https://animego.online/348-velikij-iz-brodjachih-psov-v136-z1.html
  • Манга: https://mangalib.org/bungou-stray-dogs?section=info
  • Фанфики: https://ficbook.net/fanfiction/anime_and_manga/bungou_stray_dogs

Ацуши Накаджима фанфики "БСД" аниме и мангаАцуши Накаджима фанфики "БСД" аниме и манга

Нарратив повествует о людях, имеющих сверхспособности и использующие эту мощь для достижения разнообразных целей — управлением бизнесом, разгадка тайн и головоломок, выполнения трудных миссий и даже для совершения различных преступлений. По большей части сюжет повествует о членах Вооружённого детективного Агентства, их рутине, расследованиях и приключениях. Всё описываемое происходит в городе Йокогаме — крупнейшем городе-порту Японии.

Парня по имени Ацуши Накаджима по какому-то мотиву выгоняют из приюта сирот. Попав на улицу, он принимает решение переступить через себя и грабить с целью пропитания. Третьим по счёту кого встречает юноша оказывается горе-пловец, которого Ацуши в конечном счёте спасает от бессмысленной попытки суицида. В процессе дальнейшего разговора Накаджима узнаёт имя этого человека — Осаму Дазай — и тот предлагает ему поесть за счёт своего союзника. Последний был не особо рад предложению Дазая. Позже Ацуши узнаёт о том, что деятельность этих двух детективов заключается в поимке таинственного тигра, объявившийся в городе две недели назад. Что же предложил Осаму, чтобы поймать заветного тигра? На что он пошёл, чтобы достигнуть цели? Узнаете, посмотрев аниме.

Ацуши Накаджима арты картинки и обои на телефон

У Ацуши серебристые волосы, бледная кожа и жёлтые с фиолетовым оттенком глаза. У него короткие волосы на правой стороне лица и длинные с левой стороны с заметной чёрной полосой. Он среднего роста и худощавого телосложения. В начале он носил одежду из приюта: серые кофту и штаны, чёрные туфли-лодочки.

Ацуши Накаджима арты картинки и обои на телефонАцуши Накаджима арты картинки и обои на телефонАцуши Накаджима арты картинки и обои на телефонарты картинки и обои на телефонарты картинки и обои на телефонарты картинки и обои на телефонарты картинки и обои на телефонарты картинки и обои на телефонарты картинки и обои на телефон

Ацуши Накаджима фф косплей из аниме

После вступления в Вооружённое детективное агентство он стал носить белую рубашку с рукавами по локоть, чёрный галстук, чёрные штаны, ботинки, перчатки без пальцев, подтяжки и ремень, комбинированный с длинным поясом, болтающимся свободно от пряжки. Когда он частично превращается в тигра, его глаза становятся похожими на тигровый глаз, и у него появляются полоски тигра.. Если полностью, то его конечности превращаются в конечности тигра, и появляется хвост.

Ацуши Накаджима фф косплей из анимеАцуши Накаджима фф косплей из анимефф косплей из анимефф косплей из анимефф косплей из анимефф косплей из аниме

Накаджимы Ацуши способность из аниме

Накаджимы Ацуши способность из аниме

Зверь Лунного Света — способность, позволяющая Ацуши обращаться в белого тигра. Сначала у него не было контроля над перевоплощением. Причиной был тот факт, что парень не осознавал себя как эспера. Однако став официальным членом Вооружённого Детективного Агентства, Ацуши попал под влияние способности директора Фукудзавы «Все Люди Равны». В результате, герой получает полный контроль над своими перевоплощениями в тигра.

Ацуши Накаджима и Рюноскэ Акутагава и другие

Чтобы получше познакомиться с Ацуши, давайте разберём его взаимоотношения с другими персонажами:

Ацуши и Дазай

Ацуши и Дазай

Возможно, это самый ненавистный пейринг фанатов из этого аниме. Многие не видят в этих двоих пары. Они оба очень разные, и с виду не проявляют друг к другу каких-либо чувств. И у них, по сути, нет ничего общего.

Ацуши и Рюноскэ

Ацуши и Рюноскэ

Оба персонажа выросли в неблагоприятных условиях. В приюте Накаджиму постоянно избивали и издевались над ним, а потом и вовсе выгнали. Акутагава же жил в трущобах, где его все боялись и ненавидели из-за мощной способности. Хотя эти двое враждуют, они дополняют друг друга и являются неплохими соперниками.

Ацуши и Кека

Ацуши и Кека

Они — одна из моих любимых пар в аниме. Они идеально подходят друг другу. Накаджима и Кека оба сироты, поэтому они очень похожи. А Кека проявляет явную симпатию к мальчику.

Кёка очень опекает Атсуши. Она живет в одной комнате с Ацуши и беспокоится, если он в опасности. Она часто находится рядом с Ацуши. Считается, что она влюблена в него влюблена.

Ацуши почему называют Джинко?

Данное имя взято от способности Ацуши. «Джинко» означает «человек-тигр» (人 虎).

Другие случайные персонажи
Atsushi Nakajima
Bungo Stray Dogs character
A young silver-haired man wearing a white shirt with a black tie, black pants, and fingerless gloves

Atsushi Nakajima as drawn by Sango Harukawa

First appearance Bungo Stray Dogs, chapter 1: «Losing a Tiger may be a Blessing in Disguise» (2012)
Created by Kafka Asagiri
Sango Harukawa
Portrayed by Yūki Torigoe
Voiced by Yūto Uemura (Japanese)
Max Mittelman (English)

Atsushi Nakajima (Japanese: 中島 敦, Hepburn: Nakajima Atsushi) is a fictional character in the manga series Bungo Stray Dogs, written by Kafka Asagiri and illustrated by Sango Harukawa. Atsushi also appears in the light novels based on the series and the 2018 film Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple. He is an 18-year-old orphan who was thrown out of an orphanage—an experience that motivates him to find a reason to live. Upon meeting detective Osamu Dazai, Atsushi learns he has a supernatural power called «Beast Beneath the Moonlight» that allows him to turn into a large white tiger with incredible strength, speed, durability, and regenerative capabilities. Despite his lack of confidence, Atsushi has a pure heart and is protective of others, hoping to become a strong person by helping the weak.

Atsushi was created by Asagiri as a weak-but-relatable character searching for his purpose in life. The character is based on a story by author Atsushi Nakajima about a young man becoming a tiger. The character has been voiced by Yūto Uemura in Japanese and Max Mittelman in English. The authors and anime staff of the series enjoyed working on Atsushi due to his interactions with other characters and his impact on the audience.

The initial reaction to Atsushi has been mixed; critics had differing opinions on having a weak-willed character as the lead. However, writers appreciated his rivalry with Port Mafia’s Ryūnosuke Akutagawa and his care of former assassin Kyoka Izumi; they felt Atsushi became stronger because of these relationships, which formed his character arc.

Creation and development[edit]

The author who served as an inspiration for the character Atsushi Nakajima

Atsushi Nakajima was the inspiration behind the Bungo Stray Dogs character.

Manga writer Kafka Asagiri originally created Atsushi Nakajima as a 24-year-old man instead of an 18-year-old. To hint at the character’s ability to transform into a white tiger, artist Sango Harukawa depicted him with white hair and a long, dangling belt resembling a tail. Harukawa said it would be easy to draw the main character in white in any scenario.[1] The character was based on the writer Atsushi Nakajima and his 1942 story Sangetsuki about a character who uncontrollably transforms into a tiger.[2][3][4] The white tiger from Nakajima’s story is something artist Sango Harukawa always wanted to draw. As the manga was starting, Asagiri wrote about four lines of character settings and send it to Harukawa via email. Then,pointing to Atsushi Nakajima’s setting drawing, a setting drawing like this comes up. Asagiri purposely decided to make the main character a person with no personality. That way, it would be easier to connect with the unique characters around the reader. In terms of roles, if Atsushi is the hero, Dazai is the sage. Like the role of Merlin to King Arthur.[5] His design is also meant to heavily contrast Akutagawa.[6]

At the setting stage, the manga author was unsure whether to make the main character a strong character, or to have a relatively standard character as the main character and surround him with strong characters. In the end, he decided on a structure in which the main character is confused and at the mercy of strange people. However, Atsushi Nakajima is actually an author who often appears in textbooks. The author was impressed by responses by fans who wanted to learn the true about Nakajima’s books. The weak parts of himself that he would like to get rid of come to the surface every now and then, tormenting him. He struggled, thought, and worried to shake it off. That is what I want to put in the depth of the story.[7] His design is also meant to heavily contrast Akutagawa.[8]

Atsushi’s character arc involves growing more self-confident after being shunned by his orphanage. He is aided by Osamu Dazai who acts as a mentor but rather than constantly aid him, he leaves the protagonist alone when it comes to actions should he do. Though their relationship is initially awkward, there was focus in Atsushi maturing across the story for giving him the responsibility of protecting Yokohama.[9] Throughout the story, he remembers kneeling in front of a stained glass window while a committee banishes him from the orphanage. Anime director Takuya Igarashi invoked this scene to signify Atsushi’s emotional trauma. Rather than adding gore to Atsushi’s fights with his rival Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Igarashi showed the characters in silhouette in front of a red background.[10] His relationship with Akutagawa was compared more to shonen manga byt the anime staff despite the series being a seinen manga.[9]

When reading the manga for the first time, anime director Yasuomi Umetsu was impressed by how detective Osamu Dazai mentored Atsushi and Akutagawa. Their relationship was shown in the anime’s opening and closing sequences, where Dazai treats his protégés condescendingly while also saying that he is influenced by them.[11][12] The theme song used in the second season of the anime, «Reason Living» by Screen Mode, focuses on Atsushi’s attempts to become a stronger person.[13]

For the 2018 film Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple, Asagiri told fans to focus on the psychological development of Atsushi, Kyoka Izumi, and Akutagawa. The dynamic between Atsushi and Kyoka was changed to focus on Atsushi’s psychological growth.[14][15] An idea not present in the film was to have the reanimated mafia member Sakunosuke Oda save Atsushi from an unknown danger. Asagiri said that throughout the film, Atsushi stays true to his original persona of a weak and relatable person, despite having scenes showing his inner strength.[16]

In the Japanese anime and film, Atsushi is voiced by actor Yūto Uemura.[17] Uemura said that while his character initially cannot stand by himself, he appears to become stronger as the series progresses. According to the voice actor, a major impact on Atsushi’s development is how he finds Kyoka, wishes to protect her from a dark fate, and becomes a stronger person for doing so. Uemura liked the scene in which Atsushi encounters Akutagawa in the airship Moby Dick, where the actor tried to show Atsushi’s strength of will in contesting with Akutagawa. Despite having difficulty in showing the character’s strength, Uemura believed some lines Atsushi has when interacting with people from the Guild gave a good impression of his power.[18] Upon first hearing Uemura, the manga and anime staff were surprised by his performance and regarded him as fit for playing the character.[19] In the making of the film Dead Apple, Uemura felt honored to keep playing Atsushi, mainly due to the character’s importance and his impact on his career.[20] When the series is dubbed in English, Atsushi is voiced by American voice actor Max Mittelman.[21]


In Bungo Stray Dogs[edit]

Atsushi first appears in the manga as an abandoned orphan who usually is eager to rob the next person he sees in order to survive. When he saves detective Osamu Dazai from drowning, Dazai is angered because he was attempting suicide. After inviting him to eat at a restaurant, Dazai realizes that Atsushi is a weretiger and asks him to work at his Armed Detective Agency. Atsushi accepts and meets other members who also possess supernatural powers.[22] He also learns he is the target of the Port Mafia, who seek him in his tiger form.[23] During an encounter with the young mafia assassin Kyoka Izumi, Atsushi becomes concerned that she is forced to kill and ends up becoming his superior;[24] The leader of the detective agency, Yukichi Fukuzawa, recruits her, putting Kyoka under Atsushi’s care in the apartment he has provided for them.[25][26] During another encounter with the Port Mafia, who want Kyoka back, Atsushi is able to use his shapeshifting powers to battle the mafia’s Ryūnosuke Akutagawa; he hates Atsushi for being whose former mentor is Dazai and the fighter seeks to have his approval by the detective by surpassing Atsushi.[27]

After Atsushi escapes from the mafia, the detective agency learns of, and fights with, a group known as the Guild. During those battles, Kyoka is arrested, and Atsushi learns that the bounty on his head was placed by the Guild; Their leader Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald claims that a hidden treasure is bound up with Atsushi’s powers.[28][29] Seeing the Guild as the greater menace, Atsushi convinces Dazai to form an alliance with the mafia. Afterward, Atsushi, being the agency’s strongest detective, is sent to attack the Guild. During his search for Kyoka, Atsushi clashes with Akutagawa to stop the airship Moby Dick from falling on the city, and the two encounter Fitzgerald.[30] Joining forces, Atsushi and Akutagawa defeat Fitzgerald, while Kyoka stops the airship, passing a test for joining the detective agency.[31]

Following the Guild’s demise, Atsushi is conflicted about learning that someone who mistreated him at the orphanage died in a traffic accident. He is initially happy about the person’s death, but he also realizes that the abuse he suffered made him a stronger person.[32] When a group known as the Rats in the House of the Dead, led by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, infects the leaders of the Port Mafia and the detective agency with a deadly virus, Atsushi finds himself once again fighting the mafia.[33] However, the return of the mentor of the leaders of both groups, Natsume Sōseki, leads to another alliance between the factions. Atsushi and Akutagawa search for the person responsible for the virus and face a Rats member named Ivan Goncharov. During the battle, when Atsushi is weakened, Akutagawa gives him strength. Atsushi comes to the conclusion that, while he understands his torturer, he is sad because he never got the chance to kill him.[34] Although victorious, the duo do not find the origin of the virus. As their superiors search for them, Atsushi and Akutagawa decide to have a fight in the next six months to end their rivalry.[35]

While preparing to face Akutagawa, Atsushi is attacked by Nikolai Gogol, one of Fyodor’s partners from the terrorist organization Decay of Angels, and is wounded. The agency blames Decay of Angels for a murder inspired by a scene from a book Fitzgerald was looking for.[36] After Atsushi recovers, he and Kyoka learn that Dazai has been imprisoned. However, they manage to receive orders from him. In order to save the agency, they are told to erase the content of the book the Angels used.[37]

Other appearances[edit]

Yūki Torigoe as Atsushi Nakajima in the live-action film, Beast

Atsushi appears in the film Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple, where the detective agency learns of a series of suicides by people who possess supernatural powers. Through their superiors, Atsushi and Kyoka realize that the suicides are the result of a fog that causes a power’s avatar to kill the possessor. During the film, Atsushi, Kyoka, and Akutagawa lose their powers but manage to defeat their avatars. However, Atsushi is left alone, as he cannot recover his will to fight. He then understands that, when he was in the orphanage, he was tortured by Tatsuhiko Shibusawa, the same man who created the fog. In a fit of rage, Atsushi kills Shibusawa, who is then revived by Fyodor. Atsushi embraces his power, which he calls Byakko and will-to-fight, and once again kills Shibusawa, with Kyoka and Akutagawa’s help, which results in the fog disappearing.[15] Atsushi also appears in the manga adaptation of the film.[38][39]

Other spin-offs of the series include a play in which Atsushi is portrayed by Yūki Torigoe.[40] Atsushi also appears in the yonkoma manga series Wan!, where he is depicted as deformed.[41] In the mobile phone game Bungo Stray Dogs: Tales of the Lost, Atsushi is a playable character.[42] He is also a guest character in the game Yume 100.[43]

Atsushi appears in the light novel BEAST: White Akutagawa, Black Atsushi, which depicts Atsushi as a member of the Port Mafia. Working for the boss Dazai alongside his partner Kyoka, Atsushi shows signs of suffering post-traumatic stress disorder, which the novel’s incarnation of Dazai takes advantage of to control him. When Atsushi encounters Akutagawa in the novel, Dazai tells Atsushi to become a detective alongside Kyoka before killing himself.[44] He also appears in the light novel Bungo Stray Dogs: 55 Minutes, where the Agency is given the job of finding a thief.[45]



In promoting the film Dead Apple, Tobu Zoo—in Miyashiro, Saitama Prefecture—displayed a picture of Atsushi alongside the tiger mascot «Rocky-kun». During the promotion of this event, Atsushi’s voice actor, Yūto Uemura, participated in making multiple announcements that were run between February 24 and March 3, 2018.[46] In another promotion, Atsushi joined in a crossover with the mascot Hello Kitty.[47] In a poll by Gakuen Babysitters, Atsushi was voted as one of the male characters fans wanted to have as their younger brother.[48] In 2016 Newtype polls, he was voted as the third- and seventh-best male character.[49] In an Anime!Anime! poll, Atsushi and Akutagawa were voted as one of the best anime rivals turned into allies.[50] Atsushi was also voted as the best Uemura character in a poll from AnimeAnime.[51]


Critical reception of Atsushi’s character has been mixed. Upon his introduction into the manga series, The Fandom Post said that his ability to become a tiger offered him the power to do good rather than making him feel cursed.[52] On the other hand, Reel Run Down considered Atsushi one of the weakest characters due to his constant insecurity despite his multiple achievements; as a result, the reviewer regarded his abusive background as more of a stale running joke than a terrifying experience.[53] Otaku USA stated that, while Atsushi becomes a hero of the story, he is overshadowed by others whose characters the reviewer found more interesting.[54] Anime News Network felt that, while initially weak, Atsushi could become, little-by-little, a stronger person, due to the way Dazai guides him.[55] The Fandom Post saw Atsushi as the readers’ guide to the series since he was a newcomer whose introduction to the detective agency made it known to the readers as well. His final fight against Akutagawa in the first season received a positive response.[56]

Anime News Network deemed Atsushi charming when he was protective of Kyoka Izumi in the beginning, saw parallels between the two characters based on their traumatic pasts, and described the bond they have when interacting as strong.[57] Manga.Tokyo agreed in terms of the parallels between Atsushi and Kyoka, and wondered how their relationship would develop after Atsushi saves her, as they were enemies when meeting for the first time.[58] While criticizing the anime’s handling of how Atsushi was made to feel sad for the death of one of his torturers, Anime News Network appreciated the new bond he formed with former Guild member Lucy Maud Montgomery; feeling that Lucy became attracted to Atsushi, the reviewer expected that either a formal romance would develop between these two characters or a love triangle alongside Kyoka, who also had a strong bond with Atsushi. As a result, the writer said the story would benefit from this type of subplot since Bungo Stray Dogs rarely contained romance.[59] While analyzing the story, Gamerant Saw that both Atsushi and Kyoka shared the saddest episode in the entire series for how they deal with parenting issues, though the former’s case was harder to put into words as a result of the caretaker’s constant abuse on the protagonist and how this shaped his growth and trauma.[60]

The rivalry between Atsushi and Akutagawa has also received positive reviews. Otaku USA stated that Atsushi’s insecurities contrasted with Akutagawa’s tendency to be violent in a mad quest to gain the respect of his peers.[54] Manga.Tokyo made similar comments and characterized the two as yin and yang. The exploration of the interactions between these two characters was commented to improve both of their characterizations during the anime’s second-season climax,[61] where both Atsushi and Akutagawa come to accept their differences and make a temporary peace in order to join forces to defeat Fitzgerald and the Guild. The Fandom Post appreciated how the rivalry progressed across the story and felt that the final battle was enjoyable, with Fitzgerald showing signs of humanity.[62] Manga.Tokyo praised the appeal of the rivalry between Atsushi and Akutagawa due to Akutagawa’s mysterious hatred of Atsushi during the anime’s first season.[63] When this scene was animated, The Fandom Post saw it as one of the best sequences in the series, which explored how the two characters felt during their interactions.[64] As to the anime’s third-season finale, Anime News Network enjoyed the portrayal of Atsushi’s thoughts regarding his abusive caretaker since he had a serious attitude when he talked about them while interacting with Akutagawa, feeling this made Atsushi appealing.[65]

Among other relationships besides the one Atsushi has with Akutagawa, Comic Book Resources stated that his student and mentorship portrayal with Dazai is popular due to how they trust each other while further amplifying his relationship with Akutagawa in the process since both have the same mentors.[66] In another article, the same site noted that despite Atsushi being an orphan, the caretaker was his adoptive father with Dazai also feeling like a proper father figure to the protagonist of the manga. Furthermore, he said that despite Atsushi’s weak personality, he stands out as a fighter thanks to his character arc.[67]

Manga.Tokyo criticized Atsushi’s characterization in the film Dead Apple, compared with his stronger portrayal in the second season of the anime series.[68] On the other hand, Anime News Network described Atsushi’s journey as the strongest appeal of the film. With the villains being regarded as weak, Atsushi’s central conflict was said to have a major impact on the plot due to his realization of having killed one of the orphanage’s abusers in a fit of rage, which suppressed the trauma. Once Atsushi accepted being the tiger, Anime News Network felt that he participated, alongside Akutagawa, in one of the most interesting fight scenes.[69] Retorno Anime stated that Atsushi’s past is one of the most interesting parts of the film, which extends the original work while adding further depth.[70]


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  24. ^ Kafka Asagiri (2017). «9». Bungo Stray Dogs. Vol. 3. Illustrated by Sango Harukawa. Yen Press. ISBN 978-0-31-646815-2.
  25. ^ Kafka Asagiri (2017). «13». Bungo Stray Dogs. Vol. 4. Illustrated by Sango Harukawa. Yen Press. ISBN 978-0-31-646816-9.
  26. ^ Kafka Asagiri (2017). «15». Bungo Stray Dogs. Vol. 4. Illustrated by Sango Harukawa. Yen Press. ISBN 978-0-31-646816-9.
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Краткое досье:

День рождения: 5 Мая

Возраст: 18 лет

Рост: 170 см

Вес: 67 кг

Группа крови: IV

Любит: Отядзуке; котов; хамелеонов; Йокогаму;

Не любит: Себя; приют, в котором вырос

Способность: «Зверь лунного света» — позволяет Ацуси превращаться в огромного белого тигра, обладающего огромной скоростью, живучестью, силой, стойкостью и выносливостью, а также повышенной регенерацией.

Один из новичков агентства, принятый под руководство Дазая. Главная цель гильдии эсперов, в виду своей способности.

Судьбу Ацуси нельзя назвать счастливой, он рос в приюте, где наказания были нормальным явлением.

Воспитатели всегда недолюбливали его, поэтому часто применяли самые жестокие меры наказания. Часто Ацуси голодал и был избит воспитателями.

Причиной нелюбви к мальчику послужила его способность. Вот только Ацуси неосознанно становился тигром, он не знал что он одарен способностью эсперов.

Незадолго до основного сюжета воспитатели детдома выгоняют Ацуси, а тот в свою очередь прятался от синего тигра, который по его словам постоянно преследовал парня пока он не узнал что сам является этим самым тигром.

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